May 6, 2015


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Anonymous asked 8 years ago
Hi,  Recently I visited my office in Philippines. I was excited to see the machine in my office. However, I found that the instrument needs some corrective measures. I have following queries in regards to the AN-900 machine that we are using 1. The machine hasn't been used from last 4 years. What parts do I need to change? 2. Is this machine a factory calibrated one or do I need to calibrate manually? 3. Quickly I tried to analyse Amyloe Value of one RICE sample which we already have the result of around 24%... For the same sample, the machine shows 1%? Looks like something has gone terribly wrong 4. Can I connect this machine to the Computer? If Yes, Please let me know the process..  For god sake, don't reply common answers like, Call Kett Philippines Office, Call Kett India Office. If you are seriously committed to serve your clients I need a quick solution. I will be very happy of you guys can respond to my 4 questions with complete answers...  Let me see how best you handle these queries Best Regards,  Anjana