October 15, 2014

What are the “Z” and “M” markings on the KJT130 and KJT100 snout

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Kett AnswersCategory: NIR Instant Composition AnalyzersWhat are the “Z” and “M” markings on the KJT130 and KJT100 snout
Rob Schreiber asked 9 years ago
Another question is just my thought of curious, on the zero adjustment hood there are Z mode and M mode, we know the Z is used for zero adjustment, what about the M mode? At what circumstance should I use the M mode?  
1 Answers
admin99j Staff answered 9 years ago
M mode is for "measurement".  This is used when it is a very steamy or dusty environment (say a paper mill) and the operator is trying to protect the lens and doesn't have the integrated airpurge snouts we provide on our online systems.